
Rehab Therapy in Maryland, DC, and Virginia

Therapy will help! Early physical or occupational therapy intervention after an injury, accident, or surgery can make a significant difference in the speed and quality of the treatment and recovery process. At REHAB AT WORK, with locations in Maryland, Virginia, and DC, you will receive a one-on-one evaluation to determine the specific treatment plan for your injury or disorder and your goal for your daily living activities. Work with our therapists and you will achieve real results We are able to provide:

  • Cryotherapy/Moist Heat
  • Electric Stimulation
  • Functional Activities
  • Home Exercise Program
  • Iontophoresis
  • Lumbar Stabilization
  • Manual Therapy
  • Neuromuscluar Re-Education
  • Strengthening
  • Therapeutic Exercise
  • Traction
  • Ultrasound

Physical Therapy & Occupational Therapy Evaluation and Treatment (PT or OT)

Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy is widely used to help people recover after an injury or surgery. Modalities such as cryotherapy, moist heat, electrical stimulation, ultrasound and TENS are used to help with pain and healing. Hands-on techniques of stretching, joint manipulation, and manual work can also be effective. Therapeutic exercise programs are used to help improve flexibility, range of motion, strength, and neuromuscular reeducation. Functional activities, education, and a home program can help to increase your physical function and safe performance of of activities of daily living.

Independent Therapy Evaluation (ITE)

Serving as a consultant, our therapist can perform an independent treatment evaluation and a complete record review to make second opinion  recommendations on a current treatment plan. This can facilitate the progression of the rehabilitation and allow for the best recovery possible. An independent review of treatment planning can often support and enhance physical and functional results-oriented recovery.

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